Welcome to the Unofficial LS3/5A support site
Unofficial because this is a non-commercial enthusiast site. This site has no official connection with the BBC or with any companies or magazines mentioned on these pages.

For over 25 years and now in excess of 600,000 visitors, www.ls35a.com has been completely free to use, without any advertising and independent of commercial interests. I am happy to support enthusiasts interested in this little BBC monitor loudspeaker as well as companies who make the LS3/5A under BBC licence. Andrew Drummond has very kindly donated the cost of the domain name registration since the web site started and I have paid the hosting cost. Profits from sales of XLR adapters help with the running cost of the site.
Donations to www.ls35a.com are much appreciated and help offset the cost of running the site. But they are entirely voluntary and if you don’t wish to make one then you are still most welcome to use the site. If you would like to make a donation then please contact me.
The material on these web pages is copyright and may not reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the owner. If you wish to use anything from this web site please ask, I almost always say yes. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed material to this web site. All manufacturers’ trademarks are acknowledged and any errors will be corrected if I am contacted.
Please read my Privacy Policy before using this web site.